Military and Hospitaller Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem
Grand Master: H.E. Don Francesco de Borbon Graf von Hardenberg
50th Grand Master
Structural Organogram of the Grand Priory
The Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands has established itself as a formal legal organization in conformity to Maltese Legislation. Its overall management is the responsiblity of the Grand Prior appointed directly by the Grand Prior who heads a managing Council whose members have defined responsibilities.
Grand Prior & NGOs Honorary Executive President
Chancellor - Custodian of Insignia
Commander of Gozo
Vice-Chancellor Financial Affairs
Vice-Chancellor Membership Affairs & Public Relations
Spiritual Chaplain & Advisor
Almoner & Chairperson Events Organizing Committee
Legal Affairs Commission - Custodian of Insignia
Spiritual Events Manager
Chev. Dr. Raymond Gatt KCLJ
Chev. Prof. Horatio C.R. Vella KCLJ
Chev. Carmelo Saliba KCLJ
Chev. Godfrey Sammut KCLJ
Dame Elizabeth Cassar DLJ
Chev. the Baron Joseph Spiteri Audibert KCLJ
Chaplain Rev. Fr. Joseph Cini
Chev. Prof. Joseph Galea KCLJ
Chev. Oliver Cassar KLJ - Cmdr. Anton Doublet
Chev. Dr. Andre Borg KLJ
Dame Alexandra Debono DLJ
Chairpersons responsible for the various subcommittees include:
NGO Administrators
Order of Charity
Ordo Sancti Lazari Melitensis Fundatio
Admission & Promotions Committee
Legal Affairs Commission
Events Organizing Committee
Spiritual Activities
Secretary to Council & PR manager
Chev. Dr. Raymond Gatt KCLJ
Chev. Prof. Joseph Galea KCLJ
Chev. Oliver Cassar KLJ
Chev. Raymond Gatt KCLJ
Chev. Andre Borg KLJ
Chev. Oliver Cassar KLJ - Cmdr. Anton Doublet CLJ
Dame Alexandra Debono CLJ
Chev. Horatio C.R. Vella KCLJ
Dame. Elizabeth Cassar DLJ