Military and Hospitaller Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem
Grand Master: H.E. Don Francesco de Borbon Graf von Hardenberg
50th Grand Master
Maltese Foundation of the Order of St. Lazarus
NGO Number: VO/0835 [registered 31st July 2013]
The Ordo Sancti Lazari Melitensis Fundatio in a voluntary charitable organization managed under the supervision and guidance of the Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands.
The main mission of the Foundation is:
- to raise funds for distribution and donation to Maltese or overseas charities, philanthropic bodies and also any approved deserving individuals;
- to participate in activities and projects to generate assets for charitable and philanthropic purposes;
- to practice and support the principles and values of Christian charity protecting and assisting the weak, helping the poor, the aged, the very young, the handicapped and the sick in society.
The Ordo Sancti Lazari Melitensis Fundatio is obliged to present the Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands information about the activities of the Foundation together with an independently audited annual Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account. This will form part of the audited consolidated Annual Accounts of the Grand Priory presented to the mother organization - the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem.
Hon. Patron - non-executive: H.E. Chev. Dr. Joseph R. Pace - Grand Prior emeritus
Hon. Executive President: H.E. Chev. Prof. Charles Savona-Ventura - Grand Prior
Hon. Administrator: Chev. Dr. Raymond Gatt
Hon. Events Coordinator: Chev. Oliver Cassar
Philanthropic Advisor: Chev. Dr. Joseph Debono
Treasurer & Financial Auditor: Chev. Godfrey Sammut
Anyone wishing to assist the Ordo Sancti Lazari Melitensis Fundatio in its aims can do so by sending their monetary contribution made out to "The Grand Priory of Malta: MHOSLJ" together with their name and address [please note that Maltese Banks do not cash in cheques of less than Eur 21]. Send to:
President - OSLMF, Northwynds 7 Antonio Zammit Street, Gharghur, MALTA GHR 2040
For details re Direct Bank Transfers, please contact the administration for IBAN / SWIFT
One can also join the activities organized by the foundation. These are generally advertised on the FaceBook page.