Military and Hospitaller Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem
Grand Master: H.E. Don Francesco de Borbon Graf von Hardenberg
50th Grand Master
Introduction for new members
If you are interested in taking up the Cross of Saint Lazarus, the Constitution of the Order requires that you join through your own national jurisdiction; that is, the national unit hosted by your country of citizenship. If you are interested in joining the Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands, contact the Secretariat or the Membership Affairs Officer.
As an ecumenical Christian Order of Chivalry, membership of the Order of Saint Lazarus is aimed at men and women who are practicing and committed Christians, are of good character and standing in their community, and who wish to help suffering mankind. Interested prospective members must provide a personal CV, and a complete detailed application forms, which are then vetted by the Membership Council of the Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands. Should the applicant win approval by the proper jurisdictional Council, the application is submitted to the Grand Magistry and the Grand Master for their approval. The applicant is then invited to join the Order as a postulant, and will generally be invested at the grade of Member (MLJ) or Officer (OLJ) in due course. The MHOSLJ is a Christian Order of Chivalry, and some written evidence of an applicants Christian commitment will be required. Applicants are required to provide a Baptismal or Confirmation certificate, and a confirming letter from the candidates priest or church attesting to the candidates active participation in both The Church and in Christian Faith.
Membership in the Order is truly a lifelong commitment and should not be taken lightly. The Orders central purpose is and historically has been its strong dedication to charitable works. Members are both required to donate both time and money to the Orders works. Besides the annual oblation to the Members jurisdiction, additional costs can include charity assessments voted by the membership of local subjurisdictions in support of local charities, national dues assessed annually for the administration of the Order, and the optional cost of attending functions at local, national and international events. Regarding attendance at meetings, Members are expected to attend at least one meeting each year. This can be a local, national or international event. Many of our members attend multiple events annually, and they see the active social calendar of the Order as an enjoyable benefit of belonging to a prestigious, ancient and noble Order.
As a military Order, Saint Lazarus has a rank structure that conforms with European chivalric custom, and decorations (medals) to note service or achievement. All promotions require approval of the Grand Master. Promotions are won by achievement. This means that active, involved Members enjoy promotions up through the ranks, with the ultimate achievement of Knighthood or Dame as an honor bestowed by the Order upon those who selflessly serve Christendom. Besides promotions, members may also be decorated for achievement or merit.